E-Learning Courses
A number of courses in the library are STCW accredited by the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA), and several are in the process of being accredited by certification body DNV. As a company, Mintra is a DNV Approved Maritime Training Provider, has management systems approved by Bureau Veritas and is accredited by organisations including the LPI, ECITB, OPITO, CPD and RoSPA.
Our maritime eLearning library covers a wide range of safety, regulatory, operational and technical subjects, broken down into rank and job role from deck officers to galley staff. There are also soft skills courses to support the abilities which are growing in demand given smaller crews and increased automation. The courses were created in reference to the industry standards and in close consultation with a team of maritime experts, all with decades of subject matter experience, from marine electrical engineers to deck officers.
4: Maritime Industry Health and Safety topics - 46 courses
Abrasive Wheels (International)
Accident and incident investigation
Anaphylaxis: Awareness & Treatment
Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health: Level 1
Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health: Level 2
Benzene Exposure
Confined Space Entry
Cyber Security Strategy for Vessels DFT
Compliant Port Security Awareness for Non-Security
Dropped objects
Electrical Safety
Fire Protection (basic)
Food Handling -Introduction to Health and Hygiene
Hand and Power Tool Safety
Hand Arm Vibration Safety
Handling and Storage of Hazardous Substances
Hazard Identification (HAZID)
HSEfor seafarers working on board Norwegian ships
Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness
Introduction to Safety Data Sheets
Introduction to Ship Safety -Part One
Introduction to Ship Safety -Part Two
Ladder Safety
Launches and Personnel Transfers
Legionella Awareness
Lockout and Tagout
Major Accident Hazards
Medical -Emergency Evacuation
Medical First Aid (Basic)
Mercury Awareness
Nitrogen Awareness
Noise Exposure
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Survival Techniques
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Respiratory Protection
Risk Assessment
Safe Cargo Handling on Deck
Safe Crane Operations
Safe Scaffolding Operations Over Sea
Safe Welding Operations
Safety Meeting / Toolbox talks
Slips, Trips and Falls
Travel Security Awareness for Young People Overseas
Work Permit Awareness
Working at Height
Working in cold environments